Blessings, Michelle

Finishing up her final semester at seminary, this former news reporter looks forward to begin full-time Christian ministry in the Anglican tradition.

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Location: Wilmore, Kentucky, United States

What you see is what you get.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


In cleaning out some things, I ran across the following list I made while I was still residing in Bakersfield.
I started the list when I realized I had turned my headlights on just because it was a little cloudy outside.

You know you've become a Bakersfieldian when:

1. You turn your headlights on when it's cloudy outside.

2. You don't know where your umbrella is and you don't care.

3. You're served bread and you ask, "Where's the salsa?"

4. You know what part of the cow tri-tip comes from.

5. You can't afford rent, so you buy a home.

6. You remember to use the phrase "North of the River" when talking to people from Oildale.

7. You own a big, white truck or SUV OR
You feel insecure because you don't own a big, white truck or SUV.

8. You have a decal on your vehicle of Calvin urinating.

9. You can't see the mountains, but you know they're there.

10. You drive through the Kern River Canyon with one hand on the steering wheel.

11. You snicker at your friends in the "big city" who pay $800 rent for a studio apartment.

12. You're addicted to almonds and baby carrots.

13. You contemplate whether it's really worth the two hour drive just to go to the beach.

14. You put a winter hat on if it's going to get down to 40 degrees.

15. You laugh at people from L.A. and San Francisco.

16. You consider a dip into the 90s a "cool front."

17. You pull over to the side of the road and within five minutes, three people stop to ask if you need any help.

18. Pit bulls actually seem kind of cute.

With all my genuine affection for Bakersfield,



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